Mattaforma is an award-winning design studio specializing in projects that conceive of the built environment as an actionable medium towards a more equitable planet.

Committed to investigating design in the broadest sense, we realize built commissions from concept to construction alongside research, writing, and speaking engagements.

Our goal is to work with clients and experts to jointly imagine opportunities for improving forms of wellness and expanding the types of spaces we enjoy spending time in. This includes our homes, schools, retreats, restaurants, and more. After all, the built environment is an investment on behalf of one's mental and physical health, a foundation to grow community, and a gift to future generations.

Founded by Lindsey Wikstrom, Mattaforma believes that shaping the next generation of buildings in our built environment requires an ethical underpinning, a new perspective towards resources. Wikstrom’s extensive research and writing on renewable and reclaimed materials informs her belief that material choice is one of the greatest levers we have in this regard; it is the moment we actively eliminate carbon from our palette. Material choice is when existing or new supply chains are affirmed or denied; hence Mattaforma’s investment in research on contextual technical, historic, and cultural material values.

For us, buildings are approached less as objects, and more as opportunities to forge new relationships among people and nature.

Mattaforma’s projects range from custom homes, community planning, and specialty classrooms to eco-resorts and music venues. We are interested in design that fosters a connection between people and the rest of the natural world, at any scale. We are dedicated to environments that are welcoming and equitably navigated, where communities feel free to create and build cultural narratives over time.

Concept Design
Feasibility Studies
Master Planning / Site Strategy
Schematic Design
Design Development
Construction Documentation
Construction Administration


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